Clone a Performance Document from Another


When you need to create a performance document for Employee “A,” and he or she is performing a job that is the same or similar to Employee “B,” clone Employee “B’s” document to create Employee “A’s” document. You can clone from current or historical documents. You can edit cloned documents.





Creating the Performance Document


Begin cloning by selecting the Manager Self-Service link. The items of the Manager Self-Service menu will display.


Select the Performance Management Home link. The Performance Management menu items will display.


Select the Create Performance Documents link. The Create Performance Documents page will display, showing all your direct reports.


Select the Checkbox next to the employee or multiple employees for whom you want to create a performance document. 


When you are finished selecting an employee or multiple employees, select the Continue button. The Create Performance Document page will display.


Choose a Period Begin Date by entering a date in that field or selecting the calendar icon and selecting a date.


Enter or select a date as the Period End Date.


Leave the default Document Type of HHS Performance.


Select the Drop Down Arrow for the field, Clone from Prior Document.


Select Yes.  The Template field name will change to Prior Document.


Select the Look-Up icon next to the Prior Document field. A list of performance documents you have created will display.  Current and former employees will be available for you to use for cloning.


Select the name of the employee whose document you want to clone. The Prior Document field will populate.


Select the Create Documents button. The Create Performance Documents Results page will display. You will receive confirmation that you have created a performance document. If the employee already has a performance document in place, you will receive an error.


Completing the Cloned Document


While you have saved the steps of having to add a job description and tasks and standards, you still need to proof the performance document and make it available for the employee.


Select the Current Documents link. The Current Performance Documents page will display.


Find the employee for whom you have just created a new performance document using the cloning feature. Select the HHS Performance link next to the employee’s name. 

The Document Details page will display.


For the step, Establish Evaluation Criteria, select the Start link. The Performance Criteria page will display.


Locate the portion of the page named Section 1 - Job Description. Select the Expand link. The cloned job description will display.


Proof the job description. If you want to edit the job description, select the Red Edit Pencil icon.


Locate Section 2 - Tasks and Standards. Select the Expand link.  The text of each task and its standards will display.


Review the text for each task and its standards. To edit a task or its standards, select the Red Edit Pencil icon. To delete a task and its standards, select the Trash Can icon.


Select the Complete button when you are ready to submit the performance document to the employee. The Complete Performance Criteria page will display.


Select the Complete button to confirm that the performance document is ready for the employee's review. The employee will receive an email saying that his or her performance document has been updated. End.